Music Mode Chord Calculator
The chords for each mode will be populated here after clicking 'Populate Chords'.
This is a simple calculator for generating all of the chords in each musical mode based on the inputed root (I) chord. Input the I chord as a capital, using 'b' for flats, ex. "Cb" for C flat. The 'root chord' *must* be capitalized! Please note these are not the relative diatonic modes, which can be found quite easily by taking the Ionian chords and shifting the focus, changing the second chord to the I for Dorian, etc.
The main use of this is as song writing tool. One example is the practice of borrowing chords from the minor as a way to create interesting and flavorful progressions. Unless if you've memorized the intervals and can work very quickly in your head, working out the chords of each mode can take time and energy away from writing. So, this allows you to borrow chords from or shift to other modes easily and populate new chords to choose from and new progressions to try. You can take note of the modes that each chord belongs to and use its scale to guide your melodies or solos.